Strength Supply
701 Rossland Rd E, Whitby ON L1N 8Y9
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Évaluations et commentaires - Strength Supply

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    Excellent Service, Value and Service

    This company goes beyond the extra mile, offering fast shipping times, lower than average prices, and products that are not sold by any other commpany within North America. They even take custom requests for wholesale and for small amounts of products not typically stocked (I paid a nominal price for a chemical sample 2 months ago that was importer from Europe and I received in in exactly a week! Great, professional service, with a passion to get clients what they want. Thanks for everything Strength Supply team! I have also shared this site with other lab researchers who thanked me for the referral as if they won the lottery! I recently noticed that the site sells products to who they call "independent researchers". This focus is a unique one that sets SS from the competition, and ensures that any accident or spill causes minimal damage. Strongly Recommend! -Kenny P

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Réponse d'entreprise 15 septembre 2016

    Thank you for your kind review Kenneth, as well as your referrals to others in the scientific community. Our services - although grounded in sourcing drug and health care products for various applications, we also provide many more services to fit most small business sourcing and OEM commissioning needs. We hope to continue a lasting business relationship, and I encourage you to always let us know if anything is unsatisfactory or below your expectations. Warm Regards, Greg J

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